Sunday, May 5, 2013

Demolition Derby!

I've long seen the giant painted school buses parked outside of Orlando Speedworld, announcing an upcoming Figure-Eight Bus Race. After living in the area for so long, I figured we might as well experience Bithlo at it's best.

The stands were packed, except the small section that we were seated in. We couldn't figure out why. Maybe that's where cars have flipped over the fence before? They had just replaced a lot of the wooden planks....

Our new room-mate, Dante, went with us to the grand event. His friends were very concerned for his safety.

And look! Red-neck Stone Henge!

Yes. Yes that is a man riding on top of a pick up being driven on two wheels flying an American flag.

Not sure what's going on here, but it smelled awful!

I'm sure cleanup was a blast--- this bulldozer was stacking cars into piles before carrying them off to the infield.

We can't wait for the next Crasharama this fall!

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